
JAPAN CUP 2016 with Simon Baker

ロンジンがパートナーシップを結んで3回目のジャパンカップが東京近郊にて行われた。毎回、エレガンスアンバサダーがゲストで来るのですが、今回は何と「メンタリスト」のあのイケメンが!今回は馬より彼について密着してみました。it was 3rd JAPAN CUP race after Longines and JRA sign a partnership. Every year, one of the Elegance ambassador invited from Longines and this year, He came!
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2016年10月27日 府中競馬場にて、ジャパンカップ2016が行われた。なぜそわそわしていたかというと、まだ会ったことのないロンジン エレガンスアンバサダーのサイモン・ベイカーが来場するということだからだ。午前中は、媒体向けに彼のインタビューが行われた。私も、マリ・クレールスタイルの動画として同行。そのうちオンラインに動画インタビューがアップするので乞うご期待!
27th November 2016, at Fuchu raceclub, JAPAN CUP 2016 was conducted with Simon Baker an elegance ambassador of Longines. At morning, I had a private interview with him for Marie Claire style magazine.
(video is coming soon!!!!!)
So, in real, How is Simon Biker?…..
He is just fun and cool people. Sometime he give smiley on my camera when I waited for video interview.
simon baker japancup 2016 mikitv.png
そして、インタビューが終わった最後に一言「一体彼女は何者?」どうやらドレスアップして、2台もいかついカメラを設置してインタビューに臨んだMIKI を興味深く感じたらしい。ちなみにこれが私の格好。確かに少し派手かしら?ほほほ 笑 女性のカメラマンなんてなかなかいないし、何せ、男性ばかりの会場にいた唯一の女性(おまけに若くて、目立っている) とりあえず、真面目な媒体(残念ながら午前中はcrazy MIKI TVでの参加ではありませんでした)の所属であることをロンジンスタッフが説明。
Then at last, He asked staff “Who is this girl?” Haha.. Yes I dressed up and I had 2 big cameras for interview. Maybe He never meet someone like that. “Hahaha me? Miki , Marie Claire video maker for this morning! (I couldn’t say I’m a @crazy_miki”… But no problem) it was difficult to explain that… AM for Marie Claire, PM for MIKI TV!! Ahhhh…
After interview, when We waited the car, and Simon Baker arrived with his smile and He give hug for fans who waited him in front of Longines Ginza office building.
2016-11-27 09.55.13.jpg
I love this booth. I feel international…
1st course menu at horse race japan!!!! wow
Don’t forget about Longines watch… 4 excellents open face pocket watches archive from Swiss exposed here.
in 2016, 2 models of watches reissued inn18ct pink gold.
By the way, our elegance ambassador Simon Baker, He’d been looking forward to plays his first horse race game in Tokyo. He stayed long time on the terrasse.
So, Simon Baker is really fun and cool! He started to talk with many Japanese guests who are so shy and they got good emotion.

He is one of a big actor in the world but He never to be proud of his status! When He have a time, He talk with everybody (not just with someone important like editor in chief of magazine, ambassador of Swiss etc..) and enjoy!

そして、ジャパンカップ2016、賭けは見事に外れました。北島三郎の馬キタサンブラックが、武豊騎手と共に1位に輝き、表彰台には、世界的人気な俳優 サイモン・ベイカー、日本の父 北島三郎、日本の競馬といえばの武豊、そしてロンジンチームとロゴ!
KitasanBlack horse with Yutaka Take won for JAPAN CUP 2016. Orner of this horse, He is very famous Japanese musicien Saburo Kitajima and Jockey Yutaka Take is the best Japanese Jockey. You can imagine, Simon Baker, Saburo Kitajima, Yutaka Take with logo of Longines!!!!
It sure that Longines success for big PR to Japanese horse race fan. At last, Saburo Kitajima song “Mtsuri” on the stage! It was great JAPAN CUP 2016 and I hope I will meet again Simon Baker around the world for horse race with Longines.
