
Bib draw ceremony for Longines Future Ski Champions

毎年行われている国際スキー連盟(FIS)主催のアルペンスキーW杯。今回は、フランスのヴァルディゼールにて行われた。世界選手権やオリンピックと並ぶ重要な大会であるが、オフィシャルパートナーであるロンジンは、未来のスキーチャンピオンを見いだすための大会『ロンジン・フューチャー・スキーチャンピオン』を同会場にて行った。Longines est fière de présenter la deuxième édition des Longines Future Ski Champions. Organisée le samedi 20 décembre au Val d’Isère, cette compétition offre la chance à treize jeunes skieuses de moins de 16 ans de s’affronter dans des conditions identiques à celles du circuit professionnel.
On 20 December 2014, Longines is organising the Longines Future Ski Champions competition for the second consecutive year. This event was set up with the collaboration of the FIS. Yes “Longines” support the ski as well! not just horses rides ! Anyway please don’t forget that “Longines” is watch brand company.. sometimes my friends ask me….
アルペンスキーの公式計時の長い歴史を持つロンジンは、より高い精度への到達を求め「コンクェスト 1/100 アルペンスキー」クロノグラフ、新たなクオーツムーブメント「L440」を開発したり、スキーにもとっても熱狂的❤
A real tribute to Longines’ long tradition of producing trial timekeepers for alpine skiing, the Conquest 1/100th Alpine Skiing chronograph meets the highest standards in precision which led to the development of the new unique quartz movement, the L440.
アルペンスキー W杯は、ビッグなだけに注目するメディアも多いけれど、私はというと密かに開催されている16歳未満のキッズたちにより繰り広げられる『ロンジン・フューチャー・スキーチャンピオン』に興味があった。私の弟ももうすぐ14歳で選手達と同年代だったり・・・ 今年で2回目の開催で、去年はボーイたちの大会だったけれど、今年はガールたちの番★
The first edition in 2013 gave the chance to fourteen young male skiers to take part to the competition. This year it is the turn of thirteen girls under the age of 16, from thirteen different countries, who will have the opportunity to try two runs on the giant slalom piste… Yeah, I was very interesting about kid’s competition because Alpine World cup, we can check it on TV, magazine, news paper etc… but not so much for the kid’s… and I have a brother who’s 14 years old this year… that’s why !

They are so young but they were selected by their national skiing federations to compete against the best skiers in the world in their age category. So, there technic are very impressive.
試合前日に行われた練習にて、とってもキュートなスキー ガールたちを色んな面からチェックしてみたよ❤
And yes I found a girl from Japan (Hokkaido) Misato Koba. So I checked her ski practice and her SKI fashion. hehe.. (yes, Fashion is important too on the piste !! woman have to be beautiful everywhere)
After practicing for competition, we went to the Henri Oreiller Conference center for Lucky draw.
ロンジン副社長と、国際スキー連盟 レディースW杯レースディレクターが番号と名前の書いたボールを交互に引いて順番を決めていく。
Longines Vice President Charles Villoz and FIS Chief Race Director for the Ladies World Cup Atle Skaardal brought the ball which put the number and the name.
The MC call the name and the girl come to on the stage to bring a number.
After Lucky draw, I checked some cool girls, this photo is three cute girls who are Martina WILLIBALD from German, Ida STIMAC form Croatia and Ida DANNEWITZ from Sweden.
Andrine Mathea MARSTO from Norway is so cute.
Brianna MACDONALD is a nice girl from Canada
and of course Misato KOBA from Japan. It’s her first visit oversea and she had some stress but she is very modest and eager to ski.
This is the amazing trophy for the winner..!
さあ誰がこのトロフィーを手にするのかしら★ みんながんばれ〜
Who will be the champion and get the trophy ? Good luck girls !
After lucky draw event, we enjoyed a cocktail party. Finally some champagne!!! Yes I’m a representative Japanese for a champagne party ! ah ah
カクテル後の副社長を囲んだほろ酔いディナー、大会、表彰式模様は後日お伝えしまーす ★★続く★★
I’ll update articles of the diner with vice president, competition and award ceremony soon !

Photo : MIKI, Merci pour ta correction Florian.R !
copyright© 2012-14 MIKI TV All rights reserved. by Miki UE video journalist
